Topsail Young Professionals to experience networking, education, and mentoring

Topsail Young Professionals to experience networking, education, and mentoring
Area young professionals leading the charge
Topsail Young Professionals is the newest networking and career development group growing from the Greater Topsail Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism.
“Topsail Young Professionals was developed by our area’s young professionals for our area’s young professionals,” said Tammy Proctor, the chamber’s executive director. “They are a dynamic group, and their events will attract young professionals from the region.”
The first meeting will be a Launch Party and networking event at Hidden Ships Distillery, 116 Charlie Medlin Dr. in Surf City, on Sept. 30, beginning at 5:30 p.m. There will be a raffle for prizes.
“Our first networking meeting will introduce our planning team,” said Alexis Siebert, TYP organizer. “This organization is open to all young professionals and professionals who are young at heart.”
The goals of the Topsail Young Professionals will include networking and offering mentoring opportunities, career growth, educational workshops, and community service projects.
Upcoming events will include a Pumpkin Carving Contest on Oct. 21, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Greater Topsail Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism office, 13775 NC Hwy 50, Surf City. On Nov. 18, at noon, the TYP will host a Lunch and Learn at Coastal Blends.
Topsail Young Professionals events, information, and registration can be found on Follow TYP on Facebook and Instagram @topsailyoungprofessionals.